Friday, September 7, 2007

Securiti Gard Pati

Today we organised a party for our security guards. We have 6 guys who rotate through the job of looking after our property 24/7. Its pretty unnecessary but a mandatory part of working for Ramsi. Plus of course it gives 6 guys a job, even if it is terribly paid. Currently their employer is ripping them off paying them 1/3 of what RAMSI has agreed to so Carl has taken it on to sort out. Hopefully we can get them what they are entitled to.

They're a gr8 bunch who are between them very hilarious, shy, intense and generous. Our car gets washed at least daily, gardens weeded, grounds swept, kids played with....and none of that is in their job description.

Just to say thanks we invited them for a BBQ and movie. It was vey humbling when one came with gifts for the kids and the head guy gave a little speech about how no one they had ever worked for had invited them into their house or shared a meal with them. These are guys who earn 40cents/hr when I am earn at least 200x more!! Its a screwy world. ...all the more evident when you are confronted with the extremes.

The expat community (particularly the RAMSI community) here stick very much together and don't mix outside their group. It takes a real decision to close the door to those friendships and invest your time in building relationships with locals. The popular line of course is that locals feel too uncomfortable coming into our homes because we have so much in comparison. What a load of crock!!!! I don't buy that at all. Everyone appreciates friendship, hospitality and generosity of spirit.

We had a great night sharing around a meal together, learning about each others's lives and homes and watching Shrek - although to be honest they missed most of the one liners!!!! The girls loved being the waitresses and friendships were forged.

You are confronted with challenges here living between an expat and local communities. Still working out what being counter culture in this environment means!!!!
Well that's my rave for the night

PS: Promised I would put all their photos on the internet to make them world famous in NZ!!!

1 comment:

suzy said...

its so nice to hear your families choices are no different there to what they are/were here thats definitely a famous thing with you guys you don't get dictated too by the masses yay for you guys and your kids growing up in a house where you share your time and energy with everyone not just the white middle class!