Thursday, October 18, 2007

Dolphins for Sale!!

If you've ever wanted a pet dolphin for the back yard pool the Solomon Islands is the place to come. This is supposedly the only country in the world that is prepared to risk international sanction and outcry by exporting live dolphins.

This week 2 large Emirates planes arrived to transport 28 live dolphins to Dubai. As you can imagine the money involved is significant and for a country with very few exports is all too attractive.

Solomon Islanders don't seem to view dolphins the same way we do. They are extremely plentiful here - I often see dolphins out my window at work playing along the coastline and we've seen them on trips away at the weekend. Dolphin massacres of 100-200 dolphins at a time are a somewhat common and sporting event particularly in Malaita. After a massacre you will often see an abundance of dolphin teeth necklaces for sale at the market - very fashionable items!!!

So while its not likely to be much fun for 28 little dolphins on route to Dubai - those that make the journey are perhaps the lucky ones avoiding massacre for the sake of their teeth!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey sharon joanne here,can you email me @ have a favour to ask you, met someone coming to live near you in a couple of weeks time, might need some Taupolian friendship. Michelle Fl. had little girl Aimee oct 21. Luv Joanne H