I have just spent a great 5 days in Choiseul Province. Choiseul is the Northern most Province of the Solomons. It borders on Bougainville and many of the villages share blood ties.
The occasion was a RAMSI community outreach team where we go around villages talking to them about the work of RAMSI. This time we had a team of 7 - 2 Australian soldiers, 2 Vanuatuan police officers, a locaal SI Community police officer, our team leader and myself.
We were based at Taro Island the provincial capital which is really no more than a basic stations where 150 people live, and then headed up and down the main island of Choiseul visiting local village communities and schools holding meetings.
Was great fun and a real privilege to learn of the challenges and issues facing these remote communities.
Managed to fit in a crocodile spotting trip up the most awesome river - only one small one seen but was a fabulous trip.
Today was the Provincial Anniversary Holiday so we were able to enjoy the celebrations and customs dancers before heading home.

(Our outreach Stall in Taro)

(Sharing the Message of Economice Reform in Pidgin - what was I thinking when I offered to do this!!!)

This Local Pastor who invited us for breakfast is from Bougaainville and previously was an active member of the BRA (Bougainville Revolutionary Army) before changing careers!!!