Sunday, February 10, 2008

Community Outreach 2

A couple of stories from today's outreach.

This is my friend Dulcie from Sepik PNG. She is working for RAMSI police. We seem to always end up on the same outreach teams which is fun...and the locals think its funny that we both speak PNG pidgin....but don't look much alike

The babies are very very cute....and some of them have craziest names. Today I met baby Tarzan. Apparently so named because he loves nature..but when I asked when he was named his mum said at birth. Try and work that one out!!

The issue that galvanised everyone today at the meeting was what they should do when someones pigs escape and ruin your gardens. Not sure how RAMSI was meant to help but we get all sorts. Anyone the village rule is you can apparently kill it....but make sure you get your facts right and the right pig or look out. This all took an ironic turn when 5 pigs invaded the airfield/school field just as the chopper was trying to land. We didn't kill them but it did take an army guy with firearm over his shoulder to shoo them away in a hurry!!!

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