Thursday, April 3, 2008

Yes I have been slack

Sorry for being so slack on the has taken a turn for the busy!!! My work is flat out and Carl is now working in PNG ( month on in PNG, month off back home) so I am one busy lady!!!!! Any spare moments I find at the end of the day I use to pour a GnT!!!!!

We've just finished a great term at school - both Poppy and Millie have enjoyed themselves and have lovely teachers. Millie and Tobias have had a term of swimming lessons and are great little fish now swimming in the water. Tobias starts kindy at the beginning of next term at the same school as the girls. He will probably do 2 full days.H e seems too small for it yet but I'm sure he'll have a great time.

I'm crazy enough to be on the school board of management which has already thrown up some interesting issues to deal with!!!

Carl is in PNG at the moment having a ball flying around the place in a longranger. He is away another 3 weeks so me and the kids are off to Brisbane tomorrow for 10 days. I must be crazy travelling alone with the kids - its normally bad enough with Carl's help. The only consolation is that it is a new service that seems to have very light bookings so should be heaps of spare seats.

Sorry no photos - Carl has the camera at present

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