Saturday, September 13, 2008

Learning Journeys

This term instead of parent teacher interviews we have a process called Learning Journeys where the kids take responsiblity for sharing their term's learning with parents.
Even Kindy kids have to take their parents on a "learning journey"

Carl shared Tobias and Millie's "journey's" this week and its Poppy's turn next week. The teachers had it well organised and even Tobias at 3 knew what he was meant to do when showing Dad how good he was at puzzles, making patterns, counting and explaining their term's theme of "how things have changed since Mum and Dad were kids".

Millie's theme this term was "Insects can help and harm us." Was a great topic - they visited bee hives and the malaria reaseach centre - until she got stung a number of times by a hornet last week and from her kindy learning was absolutely convinced she was on the road to death!! They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

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