Thursday, July 12, 2007

Finding a House

Carl's job this week has been finding a house. Not the easiest of tasks in any new city, let alone Honiara. He's looked at at few and they either wouldn't meet the "RAMSI security " criteria, or you discover the last tenants moved out because its right where all the betel nut sellers congregate and therefore large noisey crowds at night. And then of course landlords try and pump the rent up when they know you are likely to have work covering the rent.

Anyway after a few dead ends and Poppy giving me a serious run down on each house at night we have got ourselves a great house in a nice area, with an access road that only has averagely bad pot holes. Carl talked the landlord down from $SI20,000/month to $SI12,000/month. Dont freak at the $$$ as you can divide by 5 to get to NZ$. Yes still expensive but apparently we got a great deal. Has a lovely view over the Pacific Ocean and our own coconut, banana and pawpaw palms/trees.

A few things have to be done to it such as building a guard house out the front - we get 2 guards who hve the most boring job just sitting there and opening the gate when we come and go - and installing a water tank...but hopefully we will move in next week.

Our gear arrives by ship on the 26th July so all going well the timing will be great.

Will be great to unpack and feel like this is a little more "home"

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