Friday, July 20, 2007

The Official Welcome

Last night IRD put on an official welcome function for me combined with a farewell for Anna another kiwi who has been working here for IRD.

The food spread was fabulous and we were given these fabulous leis and head pieces. Even Carl much to his embarrassment got one to wear. The Leis are not really a Solomon Island thing but there is a very large Kiribati community here and they were made by one of the Kiribas ladies at work.

It was very humbling to have such a gracious and generous welcome from people who have so little compared to us.


suzy said...

Now I do find it hard to beleive that the man who went to school in his boxer pjs was embarrased about wearing a few flowers in his hair!

suzy said...

hey shaz its sez, haha wow nice look so flowery haha! hope all is well u all look so happy gurls have grown in no time at all! all my love yo all of you! hey to carl no fotos of him i c??