Seven days is a long time in Solomon Island Politics!! A week ago our Minister was demoted for political reasons so led a charge to overthrow the government. In the last week most MP's have moved to and throe between the government and oppostion, vying for power, position and money. Is near impossible to know who has the numbers or where things we end up...but as is often the case in Melanesian politics the longer they have to lobby the stronger the government's position to win back the numbers. It would seem that $$$ are all that is necessary to dissolve opposition. Now we have the crazy position where the government has even managed to convince some of their old foes that they have previously deposed from power back into the fold. Is really a very sad state of affairs for the general population and future of the country.
We have a new Finance Minister who has recently been convicted of corruption but ended up getting off being sentenced on a technicality. Apparently if you are a MP you aren't a public servant so can't be convicted of defrauding public funds.
Is very unsettling times for all Solomon Islands and those of us who are guests in this beautiful country
So far the antics have been limited to the politicians and the general public is playing a wait and see game....they are a very tolerant and long suffering population!!!
On a lighter note we have 3 new fluffy family members...Blue, Fuzz and Sugarplum!!! Sorry about the names...I had nothing to do with it and by the time I got home from work it was signed and sealed. Names aside they are very cute little chickens that Carl bought from a village out of town. We hope they may supply us with eggs in due course...but the jury is still out on whether they are girls or boys!!!!!
Millie spent the morning with Nan at the local Childrens Day celebration where her Kindy was set up as model demonstration. Crowds of people, stinking hot but think she survived and enjoyed the mornings activities.
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