Sunday, November 11, 2007

Nan and Grandad in Honiara

We are enjoying having Nan and Grandad to stay with us. They are our first Kiwi visitors and it has been fun showing them around and sharing our life in Honiara with them.
Today we headed out to East Guadacanal for a look at rural life and stopped at this river for a snack. We were soon joined by a crowd of kids, and a few extended families who had driven down to the river for their weekend ritual of a river car wash!!!

Usually when you stop anywhere people will turn up ready to charge you $$$$. By the time we'd shared our food and drink with the kids and taken their photos with the promise of bringing them copies back they must have decided against the "river fee"!!!

Where ever we go we take photos of the kids and then promise to bring them back copies of the pictures. We now have 4 piles of prints waiting for return trips!!!

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