Sunday, December 16, 2007

Compound 75 Christmas Party

Well Christmas seems to be fast approaching...even in the distant isles of the Solomons. We decided to take the Compound 75 guys to the beach for our Christmas Do!! We headed 5- 10 minutes out of town to the beach we have been to numerous times. Only 1 had ever been out of town West and that was before the ethnic tensions. During the tensions if they had headed that way they could possibly have been attacked and it was all new territory and real treat.

I cooked the meat over the fire, Robert climbed a coconut tree to tie us a great rope swing and we all enjoyed the swimming and kayaks.

So what do you buy security guards for Christmas - well our Christmas gifts are likely to include 10kg of rice, a carton of tin tuna, a carton a hard biskits and soap!!!! The shopping trolley is filled with very simple things here!!!

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